Monday, July 27, 2009

The Paris Enigma

By Pablo De Santis

I believe in Einstein and when he says God is in the details.

The book is, how do I say it – loose. While reading it, it feels like calling the author and telling him that he needs to tighten some bits a bit and add details. After all the book is about detectives!

The books starts very well, I think one of the better ‘starting’ I have read in a long time. It lends a mysterious air to the book. However soon as the first chapter is over, there is diluting of this air because of the lack of details.

On one hand it’s a tale about how some detectives go to any length to produce an enigma, on the other it’s a chance success story of a person who once again proves that pursuance and attention to detail can bring success.

As a takeaway you will have a good sense about detectives from various countries and Paris at the time when Eiffel tower was being built.

Read it. Its always a good thing to read a book written in a different language – this case Mexican. Only thing is wish there were more translators – much like Pamuk’s translators.

1 comment:

Tirtho said...

When you mean by "diluting", do you mean to say that the book loses it's substance? How does that happen