Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What to expect .. when you are expecting

By Heidi Merkoff

Although I have given up on self-help books long long ago, once in a while I do buy them to see how they have improved (yes, I have started generalizing them too!).

I bought one 9 months back when I found out I was with a child, fearing the same kind of barrage of advice from every corner my friend had to suffer when she was with a child. Really you get advice from the lift operators to maids, to ones who aren't married, to men and sometimes children... everyone means well. But then you end up getting really confused whether to have papaya because it is rich in Vit A or not to as it results in fatality, or should you apply it on your face to avoid choalasma or just avoid it like a plague. Even the internet is full of it!

Being a reader, I chose to buy a book for anytime reference and a one point of reference.

What to expect is that one book which is written with a very positive spirit and makes you look forward to the journey of becoming a mother. It gives you a week by week update on what it should be like on a particular week - this helps you in avoiding surprises... which when you are really growing, you don't want.
It answers most frequently asked questions and also serves as a practical guide to diet and exercise, looking good during pregnancy.

What I really found useful was the fact that it covers almost all complications/ if you are having twins/ post natal care/ and a chapter for fathers and how they are feeling and how we can help them.

It's a must read for every preggie woman.

While I highly recommend it, it forgets to mention one thing, which surprising happened to me .. the phenomenon called 'silent labour'! Yes, I had no labour pain!

Grab a copy for yourself if you are expecting/ your friend who is expecting or for your husband who will also find this book really useful. It is one self-help book, I read completely!

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